Student Blogs

hello, second semester

February 6th, 2012 abcarc15

Now that I’ve had a chance to settle into the second semester, I figured it was time for another post!

Life on campus this second semester is lively as it ever was beforehand. I went to a basketball game last weekend and heard from friends that the BSU Fashion Show this past Friday was fabulous. Kimball even helped students celebrate last night’s big game by having chicken wings, nachos, and other typical Super Bowl Sunday cuisine.

just outside of seelos

My Montserrat seminar already had its first event in our Seelos Spring Film Series. From the looks of the schedule, the upcoming months have many opportunities for viewing some great movies even outside of Montserrat. For a movie lover like myself, this is great news!

Having a new set of classes is one of the biggest changes my friends and I have experienced starting out the new semester. While continuing my Montserrat seminar, I also have classes in Psychology, Visual Arts, and History.

I’ve continued to be involved with the College Choir, which is always a very welcoming environment. It’s a great place to wind down from a long day of classes, running up and down flights of stairs and hills.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. Here’s ’til next time!

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